Welcome to Design Dallas!
Design Dallas is a new initiative by the Town’s Planning Department to consolidate the Town’s zoning, subdivision, and development regulations into a new Unified Development Ordinance (or “UDO”). The UDO is the Town’s primary tool for guiding land use and development activities in ways that improve quality of life, support property values, and protect the Town’s community character. In 2022, the Town adopted a new comprehensive land use plan that creates a framework for how the community will develop in the future. The next step is to revise the development regulations for Dallas in order to implement the recommendations in the land use plan and other adopted policy guidance. Design Dallas is the effort to revise the development regulations.
​Latest News
The Annotated Outline of the new Dallas Unified Development Ordinance is now ready for review under the Documents tab. The Annotated Outline is the "dress rehearsal" for the new UDO. It contains the document structure, parge layout, proposed articles, and all key sections of the new UDO, with short descriptions of each key section. The consulting team will use the Annotated Outline to prepare the first version of the UDO in the coming weeks.
There will be two public forums to overview the Code Diagnosis and the Annotated Outline documents in the historic Dallas Courthouse on Tuesday, May 14, 2024. The first will be conducted at 3PM, and will include a summary presentation and an opportunity for questions and answers. The second forum will take place during the Board of Aldermen's regular meeting to be conducted in the evening of the 14th at 6:30PM in the Courthouse.
Together, the Code Assessment and Annotated Outline explain all the key recommendations for change to the City's development regulations and how these changes would be addressed in the new UDO. Download one or both of the documents here. We hope you will join us for one or both of the public forums on May 14. Copies of the presentation will be posted to the Documents tab of this web site in early May.
This webpage is a source for details about the Design Dallas project, the new UDO, and how to get involved with the project. The Project Status tab includes the latest information on the project in the form of project trip summary notes. The FAQ tab is a place to find answers to your questions about the project and pose new ones for the project team to consider. The Documents tab is a place for current Town documents and draft work products prepared as a part of the Design Dallas project. The Schedule tab provides an overview of the project schedule, which is expected to be completed in by late 2023 or early 2024. The Participate tab describes the times and places where you can ask questions, provide input, and get more detailed information.

Contact Us

Project contact: Anthony Smith, Development Services Director
Email: asmith@dallasnc.net
Address: 210 North Holland Street
Dallas, NC 28034
Planning Department Webpage: https://www.dallasnc.net/page/planning