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Frequently Asked Questions

This page provides answers to some basic questions about the Design Dallas UDO project.  This page will be modified as new questions arise over the course of the project.  If you have a question that is not answered below, please pose your question in the textbox at the bottom of the page and include your email if you would like a Town staff member to respond.  If enough people ask the same or similar question it will be added to this list of FAQs.


What is the Design Dallas project? 

Why is the project called "Design Dallas"? 

What is a Unified Development Ordinance?

What is the Town's adopted policy guidance? 

Why is the Town doing this project now? 

What are the steps in the process? 

Will my property be affected? 

How can I get more involved in the process? 


Click here to submit your own question! 






The Design Dallas project is an effort undertaken by the Town of Dallas, with assistance from CodeWright Planners, Angie Manning Consultants, and Both& Planning to prepare a new Unified Development Ordinance (“UDO”) to implement the Town’s adopted policy guidance and to establish new development rules and procedures that can better respond to the amount and pace of new growth coming to the Town.  The new UDO is expected to raise the bar for development quality, increase the range of available housing types, improve aesthetics, and provide more opportunities for retail and employment use types.  In addition to creating a new UDO the project will also create a series of new electronic development application forms.




One of the important project goals is to raise the bar for development quality across the Town’s planning jurisdiction.  This means updated development standards that ensure safe and adequate circulation, sufficient parking, effective landscaping and screening, limits on outdoor lighting that create a nuisance for residential uses, and better-looking multi-family, non-residential, and mixed-use development.  The new UDO is anticipated to address building form, outdoor materials, and design provisions that help create a sense of high quality.  The design provisions are intended to provide some flexibility for applicants to choose from among the menu of options available to help promote high quality design.  In addition, the UDO will establish incentives for new developments that go above and beyond minimum aesthetic requirements.  Good design is a hallmark of up-and-coming communities, and will help Dallas attract and retain community investment.




A Unified Development Ordinance (or the “UDO”) is an integrated set of laws governing the use of land within the Town of Dallas and its extraterritorial jurisdiction.  The UDO establishes the kinds of land uses that may be permitted, where those uses may be permitted, the process used by the Town to consider requests to establish allowable uses, how uses and land development activities may be operated, how sites and site features supporting land uses are to be configured, and how violations of the Town’s land use rules are determined and addressed.  In addition to the written rules, the UDO also includes the Official Zoning Map, or the graphic distribution of zoning districts (and thus allowable use types).  Any changes to the Official Zoning Map from the new UDO are expected to be minimal, though some zoning district translations may be proposed.  A digital version of the Town’s current Zoning, Subdivision, and Food Truck ordinances are available under the Documents tab.




The Town’s adopted policy guidance is a set of adopted documents that identify the Town’s shared vision and direction for the future.  While adopted policy guidance like a comprehensive plan is required by State law for local governments seeking to apply zoning controls, adopted policy guidance is advisory in nature.  The primary piece of adopted policy guidance is the 2030 Comprehensive Land Use Plan.  This document expresses the Town’s vision for its future in terms of land use and outlines the goals and actions necessary to realize this vision.  Also included in the adopted policy guidance is the recently adopted Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan (adopted in September 2022), and the Town Center Plan Report, among others.  Together, these documents comprise the policy guidance for Dallas that is implemented through regulations like the forthcoming UDO.  Copies of the comprehensive land use plan and pedestrian plan are available under the Documents tab of this webpage.




Dallas is experiencing significant growth pressure (30% population increases from 2000 to 2010 and another 30% increase in population from 2010 to 2020). Gaston County and the Charlotte metro region is one of the fastest growing areas in the country, and some of this new growth is coming Dallas. New roadway and public utility infrastructure projects are coming on-line, and the Town just adopted a new comprehensive land use plan and pedestrian plan. Now is the time for the Town to get its regulations tuned up in advance of another anticipated wave of growth through the 2020s.




Design Dallas has about 6 steps in the process over the period from December 2022 through January 2024.  The table below lists the tasks and associated timeframes.  The schedule may change but the tasks will remain the same throughout the project.  Additional information on the project schedule is available under the Schedule tab of this webpage.


















Development in the Town’s planning jurisdiction is subject to the rules in the Town’s current zoning and subdivision regulations.  While many of the rules in these current documents will likely be revised or amended as part of the new UDO, lawfully established development that predates the UDO will instead be subject to the Town’s prior rules.  The new UDO will include a series of details about how development applications in process at the time of the adoption of the new UDO will be addressed. Generally speaking, most development applications in process at the time of adoption may choose to follow the new rules or the prior rules.  Land that is vacant and not subject to a development application at the time the new UDO is adopted will be subject to the rules and requirements in the new UDO.  Every effort will be made to ensure that lawfully-established existing development is not impacted in a negative manner by the adoption of the new UDO.




Design Dallas includes a series of three public forums at key stages in the process. There are also a series of UDO Focus Group meetings that are open to the public during the process as well.  The adoption process includes at least two three public meeting or hearings where members of the public may provide input.  Additional details on the ways to become more involved are available on the Participate tab of this webpage.


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Ask a Question

If you have a question that isn't answered below, please submit it using the form below. A member of the project team will reply within a week. 

Your email address will be used only for the project team and Town staff to reply to your question. It will not be sold or added to any mailing lists. 

Thanks for submitting!

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